
Who we Are

OMBRA is a sustainability agency founded on the belief that:
The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of our universe…
…the less taste we shall have for destruction.
Rachel Carson
Author of Silent Spring and one of the world’s first prominent leaders for global environmentalism
We believe galvanising people into action on issues such as climate change requires a compelling vision for the future. A vision so astonishing and inspiring, that others are empowered to turn sustainable ideas into exciting realities.

What we Do

Greater levels of air pollution, rising sea levels and rapidly increasing rates of species extinction; climate change is real and presents a frightening scenario for the future of our world. But, as real as the threats of climate change are, this vision doesn’t inspire much hope for ourselves or for future generations. For some, it’s enough to deny the evidence, bury their head in the sand and pretend the dangers aren’t real.

Like us, you’re optimists. You’re here because you believe in a better, more sustainable vision for the world; and you want to take action.

We're on a mission to help build a world with a little more optimism and a little less doom and gloom.

At OMBRA, we believe that the greatest threat to humanity also presents us with a great chance to change. A chance for us to reform our business and our communities to  contribute to a sustainable society of the future.

We see an incredible opportunity to change the way we see the world, to reach out to others and encourage a compelling desire to believe in a better future.

Make Sustainability


This statement is our guiding philosophy. It’s our belief that everything sustainability represents – leadership and ideas, creations and stories – should conjure feelings of wonder and excitement.
When people experience the wonders of nature, they feel amazed and have moments of inspiration. We believe that sustainability efforts can encourage the same response.
To tackle the world’s social, economic and environmental issues, we use insight and innovation to deliver solutions, then create inspiring narratives and designs to share them with others. In this way, we show how reason, logic and emotion can make sustainability appeal to heads and hearts.

Ready to save the World?

Click below to see our step by step guide on how to create your own
Breathtaking Sustainability

Our Approach

Click below to see how we can help you get started.