Redesign Reporting – Part 3: Technology

Redesign Reporting – Part 3: Technology

Creating and reshaping the future of business

We live in a globalised world and in today’s age, people are eager to learn about technological advances such as the latest developments for mobile phones, computers and many other products. From increasing productivity and identifying strategic trends, to helping us connect and communicate across great distances, technological advances have provided with distinctive improvements to our lives.

However, with increasing consumption and production trends amongst an ever-growing global middle class and rising concerns over the implications of artificial intelligence (AI), automation and privacy infringements, technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) companies face challenging sustainability issues to their operations. As modern technology advances, companies require novel and innovative approaches to contribute effectively to sustainable development.

For the third segment of our Redesign Reporting series, we take a look at how the TMT industry is uniquely positioned to align its core businesses with sustainable practices and report on their progress.

Innovation: through communication

As TMT companies are at the cutting edge of scientific advancements, they have an opportunity, and an obligation, to deliver on key sustainable objectives related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – which are increasingly dependent on technological innovation.

With this report, we wanted to prioritise the clear presentation of ESG information in order to appeal to a broader target audience a large TMT multi-national might have; while staying true to our beliefs of engaging copy and creative.

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Over the next few years, forecasted trends repeatedly show that future products and services from the TMT industry will represent some of the most fascinating and exciting sustainable breakthroughs for the planet and for society. From machine learning tools designed to assist with levels of air pollution to the rise of environmentally-friendly 3D printing materials, the TMT sector has plenty of opportunities to align business practices with the SDGs.

In our design, we wanted to create content that would appeal not only to a broad stakeholder base but to the millennial generation that prioritises clear transparent communications regarding sustainability policies.

To highlight how a TMT company might present critical ESG information, we’ve placed Data Security and Privacy as the key material topic for this design. Interest in data privacy and awareness of personal data usage has increased considerably in recent years with binding corporate compliance targets outlined in legislative instruments, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

While data privacy remains a complicated topic for individuals to define, TMT companies have an obligation to clearly communicate their approach to customer data management, in addition to other important economic, environmental and social material topics.

This is OMBRA

We believe this design showcases an efficient, but engaging approach to sustainability reporting. Displaying key complex performance metrics within an appealing format, analytical reporting narratives, combined with appealing creativity can be used to drive focus towards a company’s sustainable business practices.

By accurately identifying material impacts through strategic planning and transparent communications, TMT companies can demonstrate positive measurements to an increasingly sustainability-aware stakeholder base.

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Redesign Reporting – Part 2: Automotive

Redesign Reporting – Part 2: Automotive

The Road to Sustainable Transport

As part of our Redesign Reporting series, our second instalment steers towards the automotive industry. Automotive manufacturers and services are looking at an exciting future ahead. A future where the ways we travel will be completely revolutionised by an increase in electrified engines and development of autonomous mobility platforms.

However, as an industry which represents an average of 27% of total made-made CO2 emissions worldwide, there is a responsibility to take measures to reduce the global impacts of climate change.

Whether by reducing levels of carbon emittance across operations or by increasing levels of fleet electrification, communicating progress towards goals and targets is of paramount importance to automotive companies.

Drive engaging content to your stakeholders

For companies operating in the automotive sector, corporate performance across the value chain is king. When it comes to measuring performance indicators against sustainability targets, disclosing clear results are a priority.

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By 2030, it’s estimated that key automobile markets will witness a complete transformation, through changes to vehicle development and the mobility behaviour of society.  As an industry, automotive companies are perfectly placed to steer a transition towards more sustainable methods of transportation. To lead this movement, it is important for manufacturers to effectively showcase ESG strategies to attract and captivate the next generation of customers.

When asked to identify the leading impacts automotive companies can cause, stakeholders frequently list fuel efficiency and the CO2 emissions of vehicles as high-material issues. As legal regulations on vehicle emissions are increasing across the world, demonstrating an effective strategic framework – with verified results – is an effective means of complying with emissions standards.

With this design, we’ve shown how data concerning KPIs such as the total breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions can be presented in an appealing format.

This is OMBRA

By utilising a thematic format that embraces the emotions we have towards driving, this report captures some of the exciting possibilities the future of transportation has in store for us.

Creating a bold and informative document that demonstrates your commitment to sustainable business is an effective strategy that showcases your resolve to transform business as usual to a business of the future.

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Redesign Reporting – Part 1: Retail

Redesign Reporting – Part 1: Retail

Welcome to the first instalment of our Redesign Reporting portfolio!

In this series, we’ll be giving you a glimpse into OMBRA’s creative mindset; an insight into how we think businesses can interact with their stakeholders better. Developing complex strategies, methodologies, and targets related to corporate sustainability is one thing, but simultaneously designing an appealing and captivating communication for your stakeholders (which they actually want to read) is a different challenge entirely.

Our goal for the coming weeks is to provide an idea of how this can be accomplished and to show what we believe the practice of sustainability reporting should aspire to.

Let's be honest about sustainability reporting for a minute...

If like us you’ve ever read through an average annual report, you probably would’ve reached a conclusion about the report’s overall content and quality: they can be pretty dull and boring.

Unfortunately, when most companies are required to submit an annual report for their shareholders, customers or investors, they produce a document that, frankly, becomes unreadable. While the focus of a report should detail an organisation’s performance to date, the reader can often get lost in a sea of growth figures and Excel charts, missing key narratives and losing interest in the document entirely.

When it comes to annual sustainability reporting, companies are presented with an alternative approach. At OMBRA, we believe sustainability communications have the potential to become breathtaking – to encourage people with details of astonishing sustainability initiatives and harness vivid imagery and captivating communication channels to inspire audiences. When we think about the traditional approach to sustainability reporting, we see an opportunity to develop a more creative and engaging narrative.

As reports predominately address material topics of interest to stakeholders identified during engagements workshops and exercises, companies have the chance to create an open and transparent relationship with their ethics-based consumers of the future. As we see it, the goal shouldn’t be to simply describe how your meeting sustainability compliance requirements and expectations. The goal should be to explain how you plan to go beyond and exceed expectations.

Our hope for the templates we bring to you over the next few weeks is that they demonstrate the possibilities vibrant design and relationship marketing have for sustainability communications.

Weaving engaging presentation with insightful performances

Our first project focuses on the retail industry and demonstrates how sustainable business practices across operations can be presented to stakeholders.

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As an industry, the average retail value chain has notable social and environmental impacts that can occur throughout areas of operations. With challenges ranging from risks of child labour violations across supply chains, to discharges of toxic chemical substances during material manufacture and production, companies need to provide a detailed acknowledgement of their material impacts, as well as transparent communications that detail their alignment with stakeholder expectations.

We’ve developed a report that centres on drawing the reader in, first through imagery, second through its information. Traditionally, fashion campaigns have focused on the aesthetics and appearance of a small cross-section of society. In contemporary today, we are witnessing an industry that celebrates difference and individuality.

This template embraces this transition and presents the reader with an inviting format to study and engage with. By utilising a thematic approach similar to those found in catalogues and fashion magazines, the reader is automatically directed to important information requested by stakeholders.

For many retailers, their response to tackling material waste across the organisation’s supply chain is a priority issue for stakeholders; both internal and external. Waste disposal and product end-life comprises a large proportion of the environmental impacts attributed in this sector.

Demonstrating a commitment to reducing negative effects associated with waste is one of the best methods of improving the environmental performance of a retail company. Drawing attention to key performance indicators (KPIs) across reporting periods, positive or negative, is essential if you are to show your commitment to consistent and transparent reporting.

Presenting progression against sustainability targets, while acknowledging areas for improvement, demonstrates to stakeholder your commitment to disclosure and avoids claims of ‘greenwashing’. With this template, we’ve demonstrated how key statistics and annual performance metrics can be clearly displayed in a way that doesn’t compromise on storytelling or presentation.

This is OMBRA

We’ve redeveloped a report structure that focuses on transforming communications based on statistical performance to one which actually encourages its readers to interact with it and learn. Our purpose to make sustainability an attractive behaviour has guided us to present a corporate engagement that creates authentic, visceral experiences for audiences; ones that encourage them to learn more about sustainable endeavours.

Our next project focuses on the automotive industry and innovations with carbon emission reductions, fleet electrification and future mobility patterns. Be sure to join us again for another showcase of what sustainable communications can aspire to become.

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